Before the Movers Arrive

- Start planning your move at least 4-6 weeks in advance.
- Start your packing 2-3 weeks prior to your move date. It is easier to pack a few boxes every day than have to pack an entire house in one day! (However, we do offer a packing service and packing material for the do-it-yourself move. See our “Local” move page.).
- Make sure you pack in good quality boxes that close or with tops. (No plastic bags please!).
- Try to have all packing completed and ready to move.
- Extra care should be taken with fine china. For a local move you may consider moving these items in your vehicle.
- Mark each box with the contents and/or the room it belongs in to make the unload quicker.
- Empty and defrost the refrigerator or freezer (if they are being moved).
- As a time saver, have all appliances disconnected and beds disassembled (although we will be happy to do this for you).
- Customers should carry all jewelry and important documents themselves.
- A time saver on local moves is to move smaller more fragile items (i.e. lamps, pictures, mirrors, wall hangings, electronics) yourself.
- Clothing can remain in dresser drawers, but remember to take out any valuables or breakables.
- Keep your phone service on until after the move.
- Carry travelers checks for quick, easy funds especially on long distance moves.

Send Change of Address To
- Post Office: Give forwarding address
- Charge Accounts and Credit Cards
- Subscriptions: Notices require several weeks to change your address
- Friends & Relatives
At Your New Location
- Automobile Registrations – Transfer of car title registration (if necessary), address on Drivers License, City or County tax stickers.
- Pets – Ask about regulations for licenses, vaccinations, tags, etc.

Contacts To Make Before You Move
- Your Bank – Transfer funds, arrange check-cashing in new city or at new address.
- Insurance Agent – Notify of new location for coverage (Life, Automobile, Health, Renters).
- Utility Companies – Gas, Electric, Water, Telephone. Get refunds for any deposits made, arrange for service at new address.
- Schools – Ask for copies of transcripts for new school registration.
- Doctors, Dentists, etc – Contact your doctors and dentists for copies of medical records or have records sent to new location.
- Church, Clubs or Civic Organizations – Transfer membership, get letters of introduction.