As the final part in this blog series, “Ideas for Moving Yourself,” we’ll quickly mention kids and pets.
Many kids can be a bigger help in moving than you might think. Kids can pack boxes of toys and clothes and items from their rooms. On moving day, they can carry light boxes.
But if your kids are too young to be able to help, it might be a better idea to line up child care for moving day.
You may also want to line up a day of care for your pet on moving day. Dogs especially tend to feel uncomfortable and can get agitated when your moving helpers come in and out of your house all day.
Be sure to make the arrangements ahead of time that are going to make moving day easier on you.
If you’re moving yourself, we hope you’ve found our tips helpful and practical. And if you decide to hire a professional moving company, please consider Heritage Moving & Storage, Inc. We’re a full-service moving company proudly serving Roanoke, Salem, Vinton, Botetourt County, Smith Mountain Lake, and Blacksburg.